We handle nursing and hygiene products.
Our achievements and experience provide peace of mind.

High quality & optimal logistics

“Maintaining high quality” is the first priority when handling healthcare products.
We have a long track record of handling healthcare products and working continuously on improvements through information sharing with cargo owners. By continuing to implement the PDCA cycle for the management system involving cargo owners, we will provide high-quality services that other companies can’t imitate.

Please leave deliveries to hospitals or nursing homes to us.

We are a logistics company with an extensive record of storing and delivering nursing care and welfare-related goods. We also offer joint delivery services.
When delivering goods to hospitals and facilities, we pay close attention because those goods require delicate handling. We have established measures such as setting rules for handling products in consideration of the characteristics of each location.

We can support both DC and TC.

For proper distribution management, it is essential to keep a good composition balance between distribution centers (DC) and transfer centers (TC). Our service locations have a proven track record for both, and we can offer you the best solution depending on where you deliver and how often you ship.

System to ensure the delivery of products to customers

In the case where main delivery destinations are hospitals or related facilities, the impact of the product not having arrived in case of emergency can be serious.
In order to maintain a system to ensure that products are delivered to customers, we are strengthening our network, including cooperation with partner companies. In order to maintain a transportation system even during disasters such as heavy rain or snow, which have occurred frequently in recent years, we will proactively make various proposals that take BCP measures into consideration.